skype port firewall

How do I update my firewall to work with Skype? Some firewalls will not permit applications such as Skype (or any applications you have not specifically allowed) to access the internet. Generally, the first time Skype or another application tries to acces

相關軟體 Skype 下載

Skype是一款全球最多人使用的免費網路通話軟體,其最大的特色就是不但可以在skype上以即時訊息和朋友互動,也能透過網路連線,將電腦變成免費的網路電話!使用者只需要在聯絡人清單中找到欲通話的對象,並按下綠色的「通話」按鈕,即可輕鬆進行免費通話,聊到天亮都不用擔心電話費的問題噢! 如果各位使用者有使用過msn或是yahoo!及...

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  • How do I update my firewall to work with Skype? Some firewalls will not permit application...
    How do I update my firewall to work with Skype?
  • You may also need to configure the ports that Skype uses for incoming ... All firewalls ar...
    How do I update my firewall to work with Skype? - Skype Support
  • But even here Skype is able to outwit the firewall. It simply runs through the ports above...
    How Skype & Co. get round firewalls - The H Security: ...
  • To solve this, open the Skype options, select "Advanced" and click "Connect...
    How to Allow Skype Through a Firewall | Synonym
  • In case your router blocks the random port used by Skype to receive incoming connections, ...
    How to Configure Router Ports for Skype |
  • Skype is very peculiar; as it does not use a standard Voice over IP protocol. The reason f...
    Juniper Networks - How to enable Skype services to go ...
  • Hi I want to use Skype on my pc but cannot get it to work. My pc is behind a Cisco ASA fir...
    Skype behind firewall - Experts-Exchange
  • 當我要架設 IIS 的時候,發現 80 port 被 Skype 使用了,這部分是否有辦法進行調整? 試用 Microsoft Edge,專為 Windows 10 設計、快速且安...
    Skype 佔用了 80443 port,該如何處理?(一點通系列 - MVP 撰 ...
  • 當我要架設IIS 的時候,發現80 port 被Skype 使用了,這部分是否有辦法進行調整?
    Skype 佔用了80443 port,該如何處理?(一點通系列- MVP 撰寫)
  • For Skype to work correctly, the following ports need to be open in your firewall: 443/TCP...
    Which ports need to be open to use Skype for Windows desktop ...
  • For Skype to work correctly, the following ports need to be open in your firewall: 443/TCP...
    Which ports need to be open to use Skype for Windows desktop?
  • The following features don't work in Skype for Business Online: Presence updates, and ...
    You can't connect to Skype for Business Online, or ... - Microsoft Support
  • 其實試過了,只走80或特定port,聲音會斷斷續續,官網也說了,要有較好的通訊音質,建議開放udp所有的port,skype隨機使用udp多個port跑,所以跟說電話的效果差不多一...
    【求助】關於防火牆開放skype的設定問題 - PCZONE 討論區
  • 【求助】關於防火牆開放skype的設定問題. 請問各位大大: Skype是p2p 方式傳輸,鎖了所有的port還是會自動從80 port出,不過走80的效果真的很差,所以官網建議&...
    【求助】關於防火牆開放skype的設定問題- PCZONE 討論區
  • Skype 能夠正常運行,以下埠需要在防火牆中打開︰. 443/TCP ... 如果您的防火牆限制對這些埠的訪問,您將需要更新您的防火牆設置之前你可以使用Skype。
    哪些埠需要打開用於Windows desktop Skype? - Skype Support
  • 商務用Skype Server 需要開啟防火牆上的特定連接埠。此外,如果組織中已部署網際網路通訊協定安全性(IPsec),則用於傳送音訊、視訊與全景視訊的連接埠都需停 ....
    商務用Skype Server:內部伺服器的連接埠與通訊協定
  • 請問如何允許usr可以使用skype, 但不允許user上網? 若封鎖PORT 80,443,21 等等. skype還能用嗎? ... 如果你有防火牆的話,可以用policy處理...
    如何封鎖網路,但允許使用skype? - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題 ...
  • 2012年12月10日 - 若封鎖PORT 80443,21 等等. skype還能用嗎? ... 等所以可以查詢一下貴公司防火牆有沒有UTM功能或是網址過濾功能,封鎖全部網站這...
    如何封鎖網路,但允許使用skype? - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救IT ...